Change OEM logo in Windows XP

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You can add or change the OEM logo you see in System Properties window. You can open System Properties by pressing Windows logo key + Pause or by right-clicking My computer icon and selecting Properties.
The OEM logo shown in the System Properties window is a bitmap file (.BMP file) with dimensions 120 pixels x 180 pixels (120 pixels height and 180 pixels width). You can create your own logo using Microsoft Paint program that comes with Windows XP or you can use your favorite graphics editor. To start creating your own OEM logo, you can download this BMP file which is blank with white background and right size. You can add your text and design or copy/paste some other image etc. I used GIMP to create the following image :
Once you are done editing the image, save it as oemlogo.bmp. Then copy the image to your System32folder. To open System32 folder, open Start Menu → Run, type %windir%\system32 and press Enter. This would open your System32 folder. Now copy paste your oemlogo.bmp file in this folder.
But the logo will not show until you create a file oeminfo.ini in the System32 folder. The oeminfo.inifile has a general structure as shown below :
Model=Gigabyte GA-M61P

[Support Information]
Line1=" "
Line2=" For support and inquiries:"
Line4=" Contact Trisha"
Line5=" Windows XP Tips and Tricks "
Line6=" "
Line8=" +1 (207) 123-456 (voice)"
Line9=" +1 (207) 123-459 (fax)"
Open Windows Notepad, copy/paste the above data in it. You can modify it as you want. Then save it asoeminfo.ini in the System32 folder. After saving, you can check changes by opening your System Properties dialog as explained in the beginning of this article.
If you click on the Support Information button then you would see support information as we typed in the oeminofo.ini file.
If you do not want to edit oemlogo.bmp file yourself, you can google for oemlogo.bmp and fetch a ready made logo from it. This way you can also get logos of OEM manufacturers like Dell, HP, Sony etc.
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